The Buddy Boy Story


Buddy Boy has a habit of using the most natural & organic methods of growing our numerous strains. Our growmasters constantly work toward nourishing & creating the cleanest finest buds on the planet for YOU! 40 years of certified organic farming have taught us how to do it right.

Our Cannabis drinks only clean clear spring water (no chlorine or chemicals there either) from a natural spring right here at the farm. We use the most natural & organic soil amendments we can find giving our girls the tender loving care they need to make fine giant potent buds.

Buddy Boy Farm is located in a quiet valley in Eastern Washington where the weather is sunny sometimes even when it rains! If you are interested in a farm tour or just want to come and say HI! We are open for that. Please fill out fan form with your information & we’ll get right back to you! Come visit in the summer & enjoy organic fruits & veggies organically grown right here at Buddy Boy Farm. We’ll be waiting for you!


CLEAN GROWN STATEMENT: Our cannabis grow is located on a small part of our large, isolated Organic farm that we have owned and farmed organically for almost 40 years. While our farm has been in continuous Organic certification for decades this type certification is not, currently, able to be done with cannabis due to the federal components of the certification program.

Nonetheless we use many of the same techniques learned on our farm over 40 years of growing fruit and vegetables along with some special twists we have developed to ensure our cannabis is clean and healthful. For example we rely on weekly releases of a number of beneficial predators as our main line of defense against damaging insects. We have found that a complex of 7 or 8 different predatory mites,used regularly, along with the tiny stethorus beetle do a great job of keeping many pests in check.

The indoor like conditions of our greenhouses can allow the development of some diseases in a few strains of cannabis and so we may occasionally use neem tree oil, eucalyptus bark oil, lemon grass oil, rosemary oil and/or canola oil for their disease fighting and insecticidal properties.

Occasionally we will spray with the old reliable organic bacillus thuringiensis which is a naturally occurring bacterial preparation that effects only some early stage lepidoptera. Hydrogen peroxide is also used from time to time to clean things up.

While we do not claim to be Organic, as this term has not yet been defined for use in Cannabis and we do use some mineral fertilizers, we commit to all our customers that we will never use any harmful or non- organic pesticides on our cannabis. We’ve been committed to going beyond Organic on our farm for 4 decades and we will not go backwards now!


About the Family

We started our Cannabis venture with a solid group of good friends & family. Steve & I had been in the organic farming business for about 40 years  when the opportunity to grow this Wonder Weed finally came our way.  After raising our kids here on the farm we knew most everyone for miles around. We had been friends with DJ & Laura for many years & one day they came to see if we might be interested in a business partnership. They both grew up near us & were our daughter’s good buddies all their lives.  So we all just got this thing going. DJ had developed some superior phenotypes, including God’s Gift & Dutch Queen, with a long time medical grow & along came friends and family with more expertise than we ever expected.

We have many amazing varieties to choose from here at the farm all greenhouse grown! We do our very best to insure the finest quality bud available in every way. We have been growing a long time but are still learning & finding new ways to provide Your Best Buds. Please let us know what you think of our products & how we might better serve you.



Owner / Grower

The "big man" at Buddy Boy! Steve has been a large scale Organic Vegetable, Fruit, Grain, & Hay, farmer for 40 years!  He has so much soil experience, plant growth experience, and farm experience it's unheard of in the Cannabis Industry. A true organic farmer is a BIG BONUS to the grow. 

DJ "Deej"

 Owner / Grower

"DJ" has brought together an exceptional team of friends & family to tend the grow. His long time relationships with Buddy Boy crew members is proving to be a huge benefit to the spirit, quality, and efficiency of our operations. DJ has been in this area all his life and knows how to get the most from our "ladies" in our environmental conditions. He places his greatest emphasis on production of quality product with attention to detail on every aspect of the grow indoor & out.  

Galadriel W.

General Manager

Galadriel has been with us since she was born, she's Buddy Boy's daughter! She grew up on our farm, started her family, then put herself through school showing her determination & resolve. Galadriel's fun disposition keeps everyone happy here. She does sales & marketing with DJ & Justin. Her constant happiness reminds us everyday how Blessed we are to have her here still loving to work at BBF!

Blake and Geno

Sales Team

Our sales crew is devoted to your satisfaction at every turn. Great product, helpful staff, consistent availability, reliable delivery and flexibility are key to our ongoing efforts.
We work for you!

The rest of the bunch

So many amazing people!

There are many more hands here at the farm who spend long productive hours helping with everything from building, to finished products. We are grateful for all their effort and commitment to making Buddy Boy "YOUR BEST BUD".